HSC Assignment 2024 Answer | Class 11 – 12 assignment 1st Week
HSC assignment 2024 is a new addition to the evaluation process for college students countrywide. As colleges are closed since the coronavirus pandemic has started, currently there is no way to assess the progress of the students. So, the govt has decided to start an assignment series for the HSC students.
This assignment series will throw difficulties to the students and they need to find a suitable way to fight this battle. What can be better if we provide the solution to the HSC assignment 2024 continuously for all the subjects? That is going to happen in a little bit. Let’s know more.
HSC 1st Year Assignment 2024
After getting admitted into colleges, students get introduced to a lot bigger syllabus than they have studied in previous classes. They also have a very short period to cover the whole syllabus perfectly. If everything were normal, students would go through regular assessments in the form of different exams.
read more: HSC Class 11 Assignment All Subjects
But as colleges are closed till now, they are getting detached from the study. Also, students aren’t getting proper care and guidance from the institution which might lead them to frustration. To engage them in their studies, assignment is now the only alternative.
HSC Assignment Bangla 1st paper
Bangla is a very important subject for inter 1st year students as it is the study of their native language and culture. Students should complete the assignments with care. To download your Bangla inter 1st year assignment, click on the link shown here.
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর: ১. ‘অপরিচিতা’ গল্প এবং বাস্তব দৃ্টান্তের ভিত্তিতে নারীর এগিয়ে চলার পথে সহায়ক ভূমিকা চিহিতকরণ
HSC Physics 1st paper Assignment
By understanding physics, the students will be able to understand the world around them better. Many consider it a hard subject but it can become fun once the students understand it. To download your Physics inter 1st year assignment, click on the link shown here.
Physics 1st Paper Assignment Answer
তুমি 20 ms-1 বেগে একদম খাড়াভাবে একটি 400 gm ভরের ক্রিকেট বল উপরের দিকে ছুড়ে মারলে।
(ক) বলটির বেগ নাম সময়ের গ্রাফ আঁকো।
(খ) গতিপথে সর্বোচ্চ বিন্দুতে বলটির বেগ কত।
(গ) ঐ বিন্দুতে ত্বরণ কত?
(ঘ) ঐখানে ক্রিকেট বলটির উপর ক্রিয়ারত মােট বল কত?
HSC Accounting 1st paper Assignment
Accounting is essential for keeping track of finances. To download your Accounting inter 1st year assignment, click on the link shown here.
HSC Accounting Assignment Answer
গৌতম এন্টারপ্রাইজ এর ৩১ জানুয়ারি ২০২১ সালের হিসাব উদ্বৃত্তগুলাে নিম্নরূপ ছিল ।
HSC Civics 1st paper Assignment
In this situation, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE for short) has decided to involve the HSC candidates of 2024 with regular study. So like students of other classes, assignments will also be given to HSC candidates of 2024.
HSC Civics 1st Paper Assignment Answer
নাগরিক সভ্যতার ক্রমবিকাশে পৌরনীতি ও সুশাসনের ধারনা বিশ্লেষনপূর্বক একটি নিবন্ধ রচনা কর।
HSC Economics 1st paper Assignment
According to the current situation, the opening of educational institutions is in uncertainty. Therefore, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education has decided to give assignments to the 2024 HSC candidates.
অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ হাওর এলাকার কৃষক সালামত সাহেবের একখন্ড জমিতে ধান ও গম উৎপাদনের নিন্মরূপ বিকল্প সম্ভাবনা অনুসৃত হয়েছে।
যেমন: ধান উৎপাদন যখন ১৬, ১০ ও ০ মন হয়, তখন উৎপাদন হয় যথাক্রমে ০, ১০, ও ১৬ মন। প্রাপ্ত তথ্যের আলােকে উৎপাদন সম্ভাবনা রেখার অর্থনৈতিক তাৎপর্য বিশ্লেষণ কর।
HSC Economics Assignment 1st Paper Answer
HSC Logic 1st paper Assignment
Xi college assignment topic for 1st week has been declared on dshe.gov.bd. Students are keen to get college assignment question and answer. We collect HSC home work schedule and PDF. Here we attach 1st week HSC college assignment question & answer image .
HSC Logic 1st Paper Assignment Answer
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট নং: ০১- যুক্তিবিদ্যার ধারণায় এর পরিধি পাওয়া যায়- পর্যালোচনা কর।
শিখনফল বা বিষয়বস্তু : প্রথম অধ্যায় : যুক্তিবিদ্যা পরিচিতি
So, the govt has decided to start an assignment series from 14 June 2024 to keep students busy and assess their progress. This will help students find their flaws and work on those before the final exams. Assignments for the 1st year will be published on the official website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education. You can download the tasks of the assignment from there.
You can download the assignment from here too. Along with the assignment, we will also publish solutions so that you can get help to make your assignments better. Keep an eye on here to get those solutions as soon as the assignment series start.
HSC 2nd Year Assignment
In HSC 2nd year, students get a bit more aware of their syllabus and try hard to complete complex topics before the final exam arrives. But, it is a tough journey and they need to be under continuous observation of teachers.
When a problem arises amid their preparation, they can rush to their teachers to solve those problems. But in the current situation, they aren’t getting any help or inspiration from their teachers which is one of the main reasons for them getting detached from the study.
Check also: Alim Assignment Question & Answer (1st Week)
As there is no certain information about reopening colleges and resuming exams, assignment is the only alternative the govt can go with. And exactly that has happened this time. The govt is going to start an assignment series for the students of the 2nd year too.
Class 12 assignment answer 2024 1st Week
You can download these assignments from the official website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education. You can also download the assignments from here for your convenience. The good news is, you aren’t only getting the assignment here but also, we will provide the necessary solution to the assignments.
No matter what your group or subject is, we will provide solutions to all the subjects for the 2nd year so that you can understand topics better and prepare the assignment within the deadline. Submitting the assignment within due time is crucial for better evaluation and understanding topics is crucial for the final exam.
Final Word
This was just the beginning of our solution series for the HSC assignment 2024. We will continue to present you with solutions that you are searching for every week. Get back to us whenever you are facing any issue with your assignments and need a perfect solution.