Class 8 Assignment

Class 8 Assignment Answer 2024 (1st to 7th Week) all Subjects

If you are here it must mean you are looking for the class 8 assignment Answer 2024. All assignments recommended by the authority will be published on our website regularly. The assignment syllabus was released on the Secondary Education Directorate authority. In this post, we will tell you how to download the class 8 assignment syllabus.

Syllabus of Class 8 Assignment

The curriculum of class 8 assignment is well structured for the convenience of the students. There are many subjects included in class 8 syllabus. The revised syllabus for class 8 can found at this link shown here. Class 8 syllabus contains subjects such as Bangla, English, Math, Science, Bangladesh and global studies, ICT, Home economics, and Religious Studies.  The religious studies will include Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism depending on the religion you practice.

Recommend For you

Download Class 8 Assignment 2024

Class 8 assignments can be found on the Bangladesh Secondary Education Directorate’s official website (dshe). Follow the link shown here to download assignments from the official website: for 2024. The assignments can also be downloaded from our website. We have tried to make the process convenient for you.

Even if you have completed the assignment yourself, you can use our solutions to check your answers before submitting your class 8 assignment. This way you can make sure you get full marks for your class 8 assignment. Whichever method is easier for you, you can use that to download your assignments.

Class 8 Assignment English 6th Week

The English class 8assignment can also be downloaded from our website and on our official website. For many students, English is more difficult as it is a second language for them and thus, they don’t get to practice English much in their day-to-day life. So, on this matter, everybody should work harder. Click the link shown here to download your English class 8 assignment.

Lesson 3: Our daily diet Your Daily Diet

  1. Make a list of food items you take every day as breakfast, brunch (a meal between breakfast and lunch), lunch, afternoon tea (a small meal you can have in the afternoon) and, dinner and, identify what kinds of food they are. For example- Protein, carbohydrates, etc.
  2. Decide if your daily diet is balanced. If yes, give reasons.

Class 8 Assignment Agricultural Studies 6th Week

Bangladesh is an agricultural country and that’s why agricultural studies is an important subject. To download your Agricultural Studies class 8 assignment, you have to click the link shown here.

পল্লব যখন মামার বাড়িতে গিয়েছিল তখন কাজিনদের সাথে অনেক সুন্দর সময় কাটায়। পল্লবের মামা কাজিনদের সহযোগীতায় বাড়ির আঙ্গিনায় সবজি চাষ করেছেন। সেখান থেকে টমেটো, বেগুন, আলু, ডাটা নিজ হাতে তুলে এনে পল্লবকে টাটকা সবজির সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দিলেন। কিন্তু পল্লবের নজরে এলো সবজি বাগানের কোন কোন গাজের পাতায় বাদামীও কালো দা ফুটে উঠেছে, একটা বেগুন গাছ ঢলে পড়ে আছে এবং আলু গাছের পাতায় ঝলসানো অবস্থা সৃষ্টি হয়েছে

পল্লব উক্ত সমস্যাগুলো নিচের প্রশ্নের উত্তরের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সমাধান করতে পারে-

১। গাছের পাতা কেন ঝলসে যায়?
২। গাছের চারা কেন ঢলে পড়ে?

Class 8 Assignment Home Economics 6th Week

If you want to manage a home you have to study Home Economics. To download your Home economics class 8 assignment, you have to click the link shown here.

তোমার বয়স তের বছর। নিচের ছক অনুযায়ী তোমার ১ দিনের খাদ্য তালিকা (পরিমাণসহ ) তৈরি কর

Class 8 Assignment Bangla

Class 8 students will receive homework for various subjects in the coming months. Both on the official website as well as on our website, the Bangla class 8 assignment is now available. It is no doubt very important to learn your native language. You must click on the link given here to obtain the Bangla class 8 assignment.

কেস- স্টাডি:

রিনা ও মলি স্কুলে নতুন বই আনতে গিয়েছে। বই নিয়ে বের হওয়ার সময় তারা স্কুলের মাঠে একটি দামি মোবাইল ফোন পেল। তারা তাদের সহপাঠী রনির সাথে বিষয়টি নিয়ে আলোচনা করে। তারা সিদ্ধান্ত নেয় যে, ফোনের প্রকৃত মালিককে এটি ফেরত দেবে। কোন প্রক্রিয়ার মাধ্যমে তারা প্রকৃত মালিককে ফেরত দিতে পারে, সেই ধাপসমূহের বর্ণনা|


“পড়ে যাওয়া” গল্পটি ভালো করে পাঠ করবে এবং গল্পের বাদল, বিধু, ফেরত দিয়েছিল, সেই অভিজ্ঞতার আলোকে অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট তৈরি করবে।

Class 8 Assignment Religious Studies

The religious studies class 8 assignment can also be downloaded from our website and on our official website. Your religious studies assignments are also very important. You should understand and learn about it well. To download your religious studies class 8 assignment, you have to click the link shown here.

মনে কর তোমার ঘনিষ্ঠ একজন সহপাঠীর আচরণে মুনাফিকের লক্ষণ পরিলক্ষিত হয়, তকে প্রকৃত মুমিন বান্দা হতে সহায়তা করার  জন্য তুমি কী কী উদ্যোগ নিতে পারো- এ  সম্পর্কিত একটি কর্মপরিকলপনা তৈরি করো।

১। সহপাঠীর কোন কোন আচরণে মুনাফিকের যেতে পারেলক্ষণ তার উল্লেখ ।
২। উক্ত আচরণগুলো কেন ক্ষতিকর তার ব্যখ্যা।
৩। উত্ত বিষয়ের কুরআন ও হাদিসের উদ্ধৃতি
৪ । সহপাঠীর মুনাফিকী আচরণ দূর করার উপায়।
৫। সহপাঠীকে মুমিন হওয়ার জন্য তোমার পদক্ষেপ।

Class 8 Assignment Mathematics

For students of Class 8, mathematics is another noteworthy topic and another challenging one. Not only should you practice your Math class 8 assignment, but you should also attempt to intuitively grasp them. This will help you in the future. You need to click the link shown here to download your Math class 8 assignment.

Class 8 assignment Science

Science is a very important subject because the modern age is the age of science. The science assignments are certainly significant for class 8 students. To download your science class 8 assignment, you have to click the link shown here.

Class 8 Assignment Bangladesh and Global Studies

It is very important to know your country as well as the world outside it. To download your Bangladesh and Global studies class 8 assignment, you have to click the link shown here.

Class 8 Assignment ICT

Bangladesh is becoming more and more digitalized along with the rest of the world. You have to understand ICT to keep up. To download your ICT Bangladesh and Global studies class 8 assignment, you have to click the link shown here.

Last Date of Submission of Class 8 Assignment

The last date of submission for the class 8 assignment is 31st of December 2024. All class 8 assignment must be turned in by then. You must submit the assignment before the time limit of submission. Please note that if the time limit is up, you will not be able to submit your assignment. You must also plan and review and finish the tasks accordingly in advance.

We have covered how to download the class 8 assignment for all subjects. We hope you were been able to download them without difficulty. You’ll learn a lot of different things if you complete all the tasks perfectly. We wish you every success in downloading and completing the class 8 assignments successfully.

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